Category Archives: Other Fun Posts

Creative Collaboration 

I may not be big on resolutions, but I am huge on setting goals and plans and achieving them. And, boy, do I have a long list of these for 2016! One of them is something that I think you guys will enjoy and I’m fighting the urge to announce it. But I can tell you this, it will be ready soon, and it’s going to be cool. 

For this particular project, I had to collaborate with a photographer– are you starting to get a sense of what the project may be? No? Okay, good. So anyway, I collaborated with Eric Christopher Jackson who is a writer, poet and photographer. 


The cool thing about me working with Eric is that him and I have been following one another on social media and blogs for a couple of years or so now. I even posted a review of his poetry book a couple of years back when I still lived in Lebanon. And to my surprise, when I moved to Vegas, I found out that he lived here too! Small world, huh? 

Anyway, check out his blog and some of the photos he took of me. The photos he posted are not related to the project I’m working on, those would be revealed in due time. Hope you guys are having a great week and a wonderful start to the year! 

Car-less Whisper

A few months ago, I wrote a post about the struggles of living in Las Vegas without a car. The bad news is, I still don’t have a car. But the good news is, you get to hear more about my silly struggles. Yay!

First of all, let me explain, because I’m sure many of you are wondering why a young, intelligent person couldn’t get herself a car within 6 months. Well, the answer is simple, I spent the money I saved and went to New York City. Twice.

I know, I know, I’m sorry okay? I just couldn’t help it! I mean look at this place.

It had been my dream to visit New York City since I was a five year old, especially in the fall season. Actually, I also wanted to visit it during Christmas but I was able to control myself and not go. Well, my account did all the controlling for me… So anyway, I chose to fuel my soul and cross something off my bucket list instead of comfort and crossing something else off my bucket kist. And believe me, I don’t regret it one bit.

I didn’t regret it when an old man pissed his pants while sitting next to me on the bench of the bus stop then got on the bus and took a seat. I didn’t regret it when I spent over a $200 in Uber rides last month because we have that in Las Vegas now and it’s making me lazy. I didn’t regret it when I waited for thirty minutes for the bus to arrive in the dead cold and got sick for two weeks. And I’m not going to regret it now that I feel like a burden to all my friends because they have to pick me up and drop me off whenever we need to go out.

Does it vex me that I have to leave my house at least at hour ahead of time to get anywhere where it would take me 10 minutes to get there with a car? Does it drive me insane that whenever I’m on time the bus arrives early and I miss and then the next bus is late? Does it trouble me that I have to walk home many times because I can get there quicker than if I take a bus? Yes. Yes. And not so much now, but Vegas summer is right around the corner… But the point is, I have a plan. Of course, I had a plan six months ago, so don’t mind me, I may just be back in a few months to tell you how it all went wrong again.

Until then, keep me in your thoughts and prayers whenever you get into your car in the morning and turn your heaters on. Let me be your gentle reminder not to take anything for granted.

Late Christmas Post

Happy belated Christmas to all my friends. How was everybody’s holiday? 🎄✨

Mine was pretty cozy. I spent some time with my friends and their family, had a quick business meeting and, of course, done some writing because, let’s face it, dreamers don’t take days off.

You know what they say, home is where the heart is. Well to me, home is where the wifi connects automatically. It’s also where you can show up unannounced, open the fridge and eat all the guacamole because you can’t wait for dinner anymore.

Stay tuned for some cool posts and exciting news soon! How was your holiday?

I Can’t Car-less

The problem with my car is that I don’t have one. It’s the same problem I have with my boyfriend. And it’s one of the biggest challenges I face living in Vegas—the lack of car I mean, of course. Although it’s not consoling to know that your 54 year-old landlady has more action on a random Tuesday night than you did on New Year’s Eve, your birthday and the Fourth of July Weekend combined. But I digress, the issue at hand is transportation.

Many think that a car is not a priority. Certainly I thought that way, and I’ve lived without a car my entire life and never had a dire urge to buy one. But recently, things have changed and it has become more challenging for me to go about my day to day activities without a vehicle. And I intend to tell you all about those challenges—I ’m sure some of you will find my struggle ironic in a good way.

I’ll start with the most recent. After a three-hour workout a few days ago, I stood waiting for the bus and I noticed that it was raining on the mountains. It was very cloudy that day, but my weather app didn’t forecast any rain so I felt confident that I’d make it back home without so much as a drop moistening my shirt. How wrong I was. Within minutes, it started to drizzle and by the time I got on the bus, the streets were flooding.

I could see cars driving through puddles of water that almost reached to their windows. I seriously contemplated remaining on the bus and riding through the storm, so to speak. But luckily my street wasn’t inundated and the showers turned into sprinkles by the time I got off. When I got home, I was dripping from head to toe, except for a mysterious dry patch on my socks that I’m still trying to decipher.

This wasn’t the first time I got caught off guard by sudden rain. At least this time I wasn’t carrying loads of groceries and the showers were not proceeded by strong winds that thrust sand and plastic bags in my face.

Every time something like this happens to me, I think, “This is the worst part, this is how bad it’s going to get before it starts getting better.” But then it gets worse.

The entrepreneur in me says that I should make investments with money I save and let the cash flowing from my investments buy me what I want. But the delicate girl who is exhausted from hauling groceries in the desert heat and storms is desperate to take whatever cash she has and place it on whichever car is priced right. Honestly, a long walk in this heat? I’m surprised I haven’t fainted yet and woken up in the apartment of some schizophrenic whose third personality collects empty cereal boxes and sixth personality is a cat who’s is not happy at all with having a strange girl sleeping on her couch.

So, I guess my new short-term goal should be to get a car. And until then, I will try not to get dehydrated and be found passed out on the pavement in a puddle of my molten ice-cream, catch a deadly disease or make eye-contact with strange-looking people on the bus, or spend all my money on wine and clothes.

The thing is though, in spite being frustrated by having to walk home in the rain those couple of times, I was actually laughing. And you know why? First because it was way better than walking in the intense heat. But more importantly, because even though it wasn’t pleasant, I couldn’t complain. I was embracing my struggle, owning it. I was proud of myself and how far I’ve come, and even though my life isn’t perfect, it’s still great. It was an irritating situation and would’ve been for most. But for me, it was pure pleasure. It was life, giving me a little bitterness, and I appreciated it. Because that’s the way I live my life, by loving and feeling every moment—good or bad. In every moment of struggle and pain, I know I am alive and I felt life in the drops of rain on my cheeks that day. And a big part of me did not want to go home.

Blog Resuscitation

I realized that the last time I posted anything on my blog was seven months ago. It’s a very long time and so much has happened in that period. First of all, I would like to announce that I am now living in the US, in Las Vegas to be specific. I moved here a few months ago and I am loving it! It was a big step for me and took me a lot of courage and determination to pack a suitcase, grab my meager savings and get on that plane. But here I am! Did I mention that I just packed one suitcase? Yes, one. Well, unless you count the other suitcase. But they’re small suitcases so I consider them both as one.

IMG_4408The move wasn’t simple. It took me forty hours to get here by plane– counting the layovers and the excruciatingly long hours I spent at airport cafés. I was carrying a forty-pound handbag which had my laptop, notebooks, and other electronics. It took the tendons in my arms two months to recover from dragging that bag around.IMG_5299The obstacles didn’t stop once I got here. I was staying in a bad side of town at first and had a very tight and uncomfortable living situation. But that’s all behind me now and I had a fresh start to my fresh start. And as challenging as it was, I did manage to write a novel while there, and that’s always a good thing. I learned invaluable lessons from writing outside my physical comfort zone which I am eager to share with you soon.IMG_5373

I hope you like the photos I added. I will try to post as much as I can and keep you updated as often as my schedule permits. I realize that at this point, my blog needs resuscitation, but I’m counting on my loyal followers to help me make my come back an easier one.

What have you guys been up to? How is your summer so far?